2009 Photos
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Maisie as Tweedle Dum in the Highland Park Players' award-winning production of 'Alice'. Check out the video of her performance in the Videos section of the site!
Spencer on the Great Wall of China, part of his high school band's trip to China during spring break.
Maisie before a dance recital.
Spencer plays alto sax with his high school band in China.
Spencer at the end of the North Shore Honors Band concert. The conductor is on the right.
Liam sings "We're off on a wild goose chase" in his elementary school's production of Honk! Check out the video of his performance in the Videos section of the site!
Liam with grandparents Jim and Nell McGlone.
Spencer with his tenor sax.
Liam proudly holds his new cell phone. Remarkably (to
us older folks) most of his 6th grade peers have them.
Spencer solos during Jazz and Swing Night at the high school. Check out the video of his performance in the Videos section of the site!
Eileen, Spencer and Loch at Spencer's high school graduation.
Maisie and Liam at Liam's 11th birthday party in June.
Picking Maisie up at camp.
Spencer about to play drums for his band, Unemployed, at the finals
of the Battle of the Bands in Highland Park on July 4. Check out the
video of their performance in the Videos section of the site!
Maisie became quite the archer at camp.
Maisie shows off her newly acquired jumping skills at camp.
Maisie before the Homecoming dance.
Maisie before the Homecoming dance this fall.
Maisie with her 'sister' Gemma.
Liam with his trumpet, after his first concert as a sixth grader this fall.
One of the Christmas photos that didn't go out with the card.